In a day when obesity is rising at an exponential rate, when heart disease is the number one killer among women...

The time has come ladies, to stop the madness and take matters in to our own hands. The time has come for eating right!
We hereby proclaim to stop filling our bodies with artificial toxins and take a stand against the attack on our health!

Join us in our quest, and if you fail, well, one dove chocolate never killed anyone.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day...What is it?

I feel like I'm loosing track here. The other day I was so proud that I was doing so well on my sugar fast, until I looked at the calendar and realized that it had been only a week and a half! Today is day 14, so we're about half-way there. I really am ok for the most part; it's the chocolate that taunts me the most. I'm also realizing that social events are always surrounded by sugar! I'm trying to make plans with a friend, and we've already exhausted the desssert and coffee shop options because both interfere with my no-suar rule. Interesting that those are the first 2 things we'd go for. I'm going to another friend's house friday night (yes, I am just oh so popular) and I found myself stumped when I realized we can't pair our girls' night with some nice chocolatey fondue. I'll be happier when it's much nicer out and I can take my Shape magazine advice and make my friends outings involve a hike or a walk in the park, then maybe a stop at Whole Foods for a bowl of fresh berries. Where is my friend Brady when I need her!? (we were great at this. Although, we usually still ended with dessert ;). In the meantime, I will learn to sever the dessert expectation that always pairs a gathering. Can you even imagine a baby shower without cake!? Just a suggestion.

1 comment:

  1. We have to get creative and think outside of the box. I ate natural plain yogurt with strawberries for dessert yesterday, and my agave sweetened coconut ice cream tonight. No tummy aches, so submission to my cravings, and no desire to eat sugar. It is great.
