In a day when obesity is rising at an exponential rate, when heart disease is the number one killer among women...

The time has come ladies, to stop the madness and take matters in to our own hands. The time has come for eating right!
We hereby proclaim to stop filling our bodies with artificial toxins and take a stand against the attack on our health!

Join us in our quest, and if you fail, well, one dove chocolate never killed anyone.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Sick problem

As for me, I'm actually doing ok with the cravings. They hit at night, but aren't awful. I've noticed I am downing the fruits far more so than usual--which is a lot. However, I have been sick for the past three days, and you wouldn't believe how often I have wanted sugar! I have a sore throat, and what always makes a sore throat better? Ice cream and Popsicles of course! Not to mention, chocolate is the ultimate comfort food, and I keep getting this notion that all I need is a piece of my dark chocolate orange bar to make me better. HELLO! Sugar suppresses the immune system for 72 hours (according to my oh-so-holistic chiropractor) and yet I have associated sugary foods with sickness remedies. I'm sure I am not alone in this. What does everyone need for an upset stomach? Well Sprite of course. Carbonation may help, but sugar makes worse. Not a good compromise. So I have been loading up on peppermint tea with lemon and honey and all fruit smoothies. Both sooth the throat just as well as ice cream, but actually make you healthier. Crazy concept. Regardless, I have been struggling with the, "But I'm sick and I deserve it!" argument. I'm proud to say I have stood strong. Won't say I have been completely healthy in every other way, but we're just talking about sugar right now. The rest is my business.

What are your must-haves when you're sick? A little sugary goodness, eh? Come on, be honest here.
Day 10
I want sugar!!!! I want ice cream!!! I want flan! I am telling you, even when I eat a big meal, I feel like I am not satisfied because I haven't had sugar. It is so rough! But, I don't feel tempted to cheat. I totally feel like I've got this. I am moving tomorrow so I am starting fresh with groceries. I will be staying with some family members who have food, but once I am in my own place, I am going to get all the good stuff. Natural sauces, dressings, everything that sneaks sugar and corn syrup in as a #1 or 2 ingredient will no longer be in my kitchen.

One easy thing to remove in addition to sweets, (remember, 90% of our nastiness intake comes from something other than desserts) is to watch drinks. When you buy frozen juice, get the stuff that has no added sweetener. Or when you buy a drink from the gas station, or juice in bottles at the grocery store. Keep away from the sugar and corn syrup. It tastes much better without it anyway. Use honey or agave in your tea, and for heavens sakes, stay away from all soda!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I have something to confess. I was at someone's house today and I ate some of their trail mix. Only after I had finished my second bite did I notice....I had eaten 2 whole chocolate chips! I can assure you it was an honest mistake and I will not falter again. Whew, now that that is off my chest I would like to brag that I did make it to bed without my chocolate agave ice cream. Sugar or no, I am trying to get over my daily dessert reliance.

I have learned how wonderful it is to have supporters. For the enrichment activity (which now must be called relief society meeting) the dessert is cake. I asked my mother what we should do and I expected her to say something like "oh we can fudge this once" and she actually said, "we will just bring our own!" Hooray for determination and good support. Imagine how easy this would be if the whole world were trying to be health conscience? ahhh wishful thinking. I was actually thinking the other day of how lovely it would be if our health paradigm changed in such a way that the regular health question would not be, "which doctor do you go to?" but rather "which gym do you go to?" It could happen. But for now, we will just wory about our sugar intake. One step at a time.

p.s. I tell you about how the gluten-free sugar-free take turns out. Oh boy.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 6

Still holding strong! This sugar fast is not easy, but it is very rewarding. A lot of people have been treating me like I'm some extremist, like those people who don't eat fruit unless it fell from the tree on its own-we don't want to murder an apple, after all. But I don't feel like an extremist. People say moderation in all things. I say, moderation in all GOOD things, in all necessary things. Processed icky sugar is not good for us, nor is it necessary. People argue that we need sugar and it is not good for our bodies to cut it out. I agree. Where is Mr. Atkin in this discussion? Oh yes, he's not allowed. Because we do eat good carbs, we do eat fruit and natural sugars. We just stay away from the poison.

I have had an easier time than I expected turning down yummy desserts and sugar. I drank an Indian tea on Sat, and the restaurant had no honey. So, as much as I adore that tea sweetened, I drank it sweetless. Surprisingly, it didn't bother me. When rice pudding dessert came, I was tempted. Rationalization is our truest enemy in this quest for good health. "It is just one time," "I deserve it," "It's not like once will hurt." BAAAA. Ignore that voice! Once you have controlled your cravings, rather than let them control you, you will be in a position to reward yourself from time to time, should you choose. We are not at that point yet. We are still battling for control.

We are changing our mindset, rewiring our brain, and mastering our body. Once we have don't this, through this sugar fast, we will think differently. We will want to find ways to make fresh fruit deserts and agave sweetened ice cream. We will be able to eat birthday cake at someone's party-should we choose-and it won't suck us into a downward spiral into sugar addiction. We must stop the sugar dependency if we ever hope to truly attain good health. We can do it!!