In a day when obesity is rising at an exponential rate, when heart disease is the number one killer among women...

The time has come ladies, to stop the madness and take matters in to our own hands. The time has come for eating right!
We hereby proclaim to stop filling our bodies with artificial toxins and take a stand against the attack on our health!

Join us in our quest, and if you fail, well, one dove chocolate never killed anyone.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I have something to confess. I was at someone's house today and I ate some of their trail mix. Only after I had finished my second bite did I notice....I had eaten 2 whole chocolate chips! I can assure you it was an honest mistake and I will not falter again. Whew, now that that is off my chest I would like to brag that I did make it to bed without my chocolate agave ice cream. Sugar or no, I am trying to get over my daily dessert reliance.

I have learned how wonderful it is to have supporters. For the enrichment activity (which now must be called relief society meeting) the dessert is cake. I asked my mother what we should do and I expected her to say something like "oh we can fudge this once" and she actually said, "we will just bring our own!" Hooray for determination and good support. Imagine how easy this would be if the whole world were trying to be health conscience? ahhh wishful thinking. I was actually thinking the other day of how lovely it would be if our health paradigm changed in such a way that the regular health question would not be, "which doctor do you go to?" but rather "which gym do you go to?" It could happen. But for now, we will just wory about our sugar intake. One step at a time.

p.s. I tell you about how the gluten-free sugar-free take turns out. Oh boy.


  1. Seriously? Two bites of trail mix? I was out covering a story at a soccer field for hours on Sat and was so thirsty I drank one sip of JD's coke. SHHHHH!!!!

  2. The daily dessert is my biggest enemy at the moment. That's not true, there's also the 4pm wall I hit every dang day. I'm actually pretty proud of myself. I've went two days with NO sugar then tonight I had a yogurt. Collin ate half so really I had a half a yogurt. About 20 minutes later I went running and I didn't enjoy that so much with yogurt in my belly. So I've come up with a plan for the evening dessert wall. (I'm calling them my walls. lol) When it kicks in, I go running. Runny always makes me not hungry. So that's the plan for now.
    The 4pm wall is a bit annoying and I'm not sure how to help that along. Maybe just have an early dinner so I'm not hungry. ???
    Oh and good news, Taylor is fully supportive and is helping me and encouraging me. YAY! He was amazed that I went out and found bread that had no sugar. :D
