In a day when obesity is rising at an exponential rate, when heart disease is the number one killer among women...

The time has come ladies, to stop the madness and take matters in to our own hands. The time has come for eating right!
We hereby proclaim to stop filling our bodies with artificial toxins and take a stand against the attack on our health!

Join us in our quest, and if you fail, well, one dove chocolate never killed anyone.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day 1 Report

Ok. I am officially sugar free, and have been for 24 hours. Do you know what that means? Let me just tell you. Yesterday was my birthday. No birthday cake, dessert, or sweets for this girl! I know, I know, sounds completely tragic. But surprisingly? It wasn't that bad. In fact, by the time I went to bed, I thought to myself,"Ya know, I just might get through this without withdrawals or anything. I may skip all that stuff and go straight to the point of not craving it anymore."

Lest ye feel I am a complete fool, listen up. I woke up and re-evaluated my hypothesis. The truth is, this is going to suck. I know it. I know it because I really really want to munch on gummies to make this work day go by quicker, and I really really want to go home and eat ice cream while I watch a movie after a long, busy reporter's day.

Alas, I will do neither of these things. Instead, I shall go home, eat my fish and rice (to top off a day of a protein shake and homemade chili) and drown my sorrows in a, er, a bowl of sugar free cereal. There.

Hopefully some of you are not poor, destitute, scrawny grad students like me. Should this be the case, you may drown your ever mounting sorrows associated with the absence of sugar in a bowl of delicious (yet costly) agave sweetened coconut ice cream, as Janette mentioned, found in most grocery stores near you.


  1. So why no sugar at all? I all for cutting out artificial sweetners (its gross anyway) What is wrong with natural sugars?

  2. We can eat agave and honey and natural sugars found in fruits.

  3. for now, we are saying no sugar as in cane sugar. Processed especially, but not brown sugar, powered sugar, or raw sugar. We are just cutting it all out and seeing the difference.

    We are researching like cane juice sugar and things like that to find out what affects they have. Do you know?

  4. I have researched brown rice syrup and evaporated cane juice. The first one is supposedly a natural, low cal sweetener that's better than sugar, but still kinda close it seems. The second is the exact same as sugar but just has a different process. Therefore, evaporated cane juice not allowed.
