In a day when obesity is rising at an exponential rate, when heart disease is the number one killer among women...

The time has come ladies, to stop the madness and take matters in to our own hands. The time has come for eating right!
We hereby proclaim to stop filling our bodies with artificial toxins and take a stand against the attack on our health!

Join us in our quest, and if you fail, well, one dove chocolate never killed anyone.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I'm with you sista!

So, breakfast: organic blueberry oatmeal with no sugar. Lunch: herbed chicken and veggies. Snacks: organic apple and peanut butter, sugar free applesauce, cinnamon cottage cheese, and baby bell cheese (hypo-glycemic, I have to snack a lot). I'm feeling great and telling my patients I can get through this just fine. I come home to make my healthy spinach, strawberry and bbq chicken salad; there is sugar in bbq sauce. I decide to make my own--there is sugar in organic ketchup. I throw the not so good concoction away. All my organic salad dressings--sugar. I decide to make my own honey dijon, but I have used all my honey on the wasted bbq sauce. After getting permission from Mo (blame her!) I had a little kc masterpiece bbq on my chicken and some honey mustard dressing. Was I satisfied? Big fat no. As soon as my plate was clear, I went to the pantry without thinking about it and had magical thoughts of chocolate going through my mind. I'm proud to say that I am sitting here sipping my agave-sweetened desert tea and have not touched the chocolate. But my point is, I know how you feel Mo. Day two, and I already feel deprived.

So, here's the plan. First of all, I have realized that most of the sugar addiction is simply a habbit, not always a craving. I eat, I want a sweet. That's been my routine. Even if I'm full and not craving sugar, I have trained myself that I get a small treat after dinner, and I need to break that habbit.

Here is the step I am going to take to help this plan. I am going to gather all the foods in my house that contain sugar and hide them for the month (most of it is organic sugar, so I'm not so sure I want to throw it away just yet). You too Mo. Get it out of sight and out of mind. Tell everyone what you are doing so they will keep the sugar away from you. Brady lives in fresh produce paradise, so she probably doesn't have to avoid it like us. Lucky.

QUESTION: how do we satisfy the chocolate craving?! Even my cocoa roast almonds have aspertame. We have cocoa powder and natural (non-sugar) sweeteners. Any advice?


  1. I was thinking about the chocolate thing. There must be a way. Most organic chocolate is made with evaporated cane juice. We will have to research this.

  2. First I'd like to say bravo on this sweet (no pun intended) blog. Love it! Now I am far, so far from a healthy eater so this should be interesting. I do try to eat healthy but when I hit by brick wall and give in I go out with a bang. Hence my extra 40lbs that wont go away no matter how hard I work out.
    Now that I've sold myself out on my nasty little habits I will say that I do stay away from aspertame. Nasty nasty stuff. It started when I was pregnant and the doctor warned me to "Stay away!" from it. I figure if you can't have it when your pregnant it's probably not a good idea in the first place. Then I read the book Skinny Bitch, great book you should give it a read. Anyway, in there it gave some pretty gross facts about it like, it's one or two (can't remember) ingredient away from being embalming fluid. And it goes on to explain the FDA's roll in it. Also the same idea with margrin. I know butter is way more fattening, and I don't eat a lot of it but I will not eat fake butter, or anything that has low fat or fat free written on it. That type of stuff is loaded with chemicals.
    I get this isn't the message of your blog, but I thought I'd share anyway.
    So off to my first day of no sugar tomorrow. I can already feel the back of my throat water when I think of it.
    Does gum count???

  3. Great to have you on board! This blog is about making choices to keep bad things out of our bodies, so your goals totally count. Speaking of embalming oil,did you know margarine is only one molecule away from plastic? Ew. However, from what I have researched, smart balance butter is ok because it is make with olive oil and not hydrogenated oils. I should perhaps do more research on that though.

    Keep posting with us! Even if you dont want to go cold turkey, you can at least lessen your intake (the gum thing is up to you). I have to tell you though, it's kinda fun to see how well you do completely off sugar. If forces you to read ALL your labels so you're more aware of what you eat, and to see if you really are addicted. I know I'm calling no chocoloate "fun," but just go with me on this. It's only a month. We can do it!!

  4. p.s. that was Janette. Monique thought she would steel the stage and put her pic there. We'll fix that, and start signing our names to our posts
