In a day when obesity is rising at an exponential rate, when heart disease is the number one killer among women...

The time has come ladies, to stop the madness and take matters in to our own hands. The time has come for eating right!
We hereby proclaim to stop filling our bodies with artificial toxins and take a stand against the attack on our health!

Join us in our quest, and if you fail, well, one dove chocolate never killed anyone.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

No More Self Induced Pain! It's Just Silly!

I believe in being healthy. I believe in eating right. I believe that life is precious, that my body is a temple, that I only get one and that what I eat has a direct result on my health and my quality of life. Knowing all this, I STILL eat ice cream a few times a week. I still scope out jelly beans and peanut butter cups. I still eat eat chocolate when I am sad, and want to chew on Starbursts when I'm bored. If it wasn't for my gluten allergy, I would no doubt fill my eating hours with cookies as well.

I don't feel like I eat sweets more than other foods, nor do I feel that I eat sweets in large amounts. But even so, I have tummy aches a lot, I feel nauseous frequently, and I feel heavy and bloated far to often. I feel tired and blah.

The time has come to stop making excuses, to stop rationalizing that I don't eat sweets to often and to stop acting like, "It's not a big deal, I deserve it." I deserve to be healthy! I deserve to feel refreshed and strong, and so do you!

I have made the decision to remove processed and artificial sugars from my diet. No sugar, no corn syrup, and certainly no artificial sweeteners. I will report back frequently and let you all know what changes I am noticing. I extend the challenge to all of you to do the same. It won't be easy, but we can do it. We must stop eating eating poison, no matter how hard! Janette and I would love to hear what results you are noticing, or not noticing, and we would especially love to share delicious and healthy recipes for those of us who suffer from the sweet tooth.

Sure, there are plenty of other fattening, processed foods that we can do with out, but one step at a time. And this is one BIG step.


  1. Boy that "I deserve it" is our worst enemy. People say that all the time. I think it all the time. But like you said, rather than saying "I deserve this chocolate," we should say, "I deserve to be healthy"! Or "I deserve a long, happy energetic life, and I wont to do anything that will get in the way of that." NEW MANTRA: "I deserve to LIVE" Meaning live a wonderful and healthy life, not just survive.

    So I have decided to embark on this no sugar at all for March thing. I know that sounds silly, since I'm the co-owner of a banning sugar blog. But I had intended to ban all processed sugars and take it easy on my organic chocolate cookies. But sugar is sugar, and I can attest that it is the number one cancer food. But sure enough, as soon as I told myself no sugar, I noticed the brownies on the table (not mine), and I thought my Dad said "chocolate chips" when he said something like "taking trips." Suddenly all I wanted was sugar! Thank goodness I had a wonderful pint of organic "purely decedant" mango ice cream that's sweetened with organic coconut milk and agavae. For you ice cream addicts, this is a must have. Now I am sweetened up and fully satisfied. When I watch a movie later, I will have my 100 calorie butter popcorn rather than kettle (which has sugar). Planning ahead is one of the best habbits for this no-sugar goal. Our biggest mistkaes are made on impulse. Remember that. Plan for your sweet attacks and be prepared! I'll let you know how that goes for me ;)

  2. This is GREAT! I committed to taking better care of my body about 2 months ago after breaking out and losing my OH so precious energy. I decided to take all chemicals and additives out of my diet. This has limited my menu to meats, veggies, fruits,whole grains, rice, beans, nuts, and anything that comes from the earth. I had preached for years that this is the diet that we should all eat, but until now have never done it myself. It was hard at first and I have slipped a couple times, but my skin is actually radiant and I feel so much better. It is great to have a support system now and others to help keep me on track. Being creative and persistent as the key to success with major dietary changes. Thank you for putting together this site and I look forward to being a part of your blog. -Brady

  3. Thanks Brady! Our very first follower!

  4. Brady I'm so happy to have you on board! You and I are in the same "I am extremely healthy, but I LOVE desserts" complex. Your post inspires me to try hard with this. I think we are going to add something new each month to cut out. So stay with us ok!
