In a day when obesity is rising at an exponential rate, when heart disease is the number one killer among women...

The time has come ladies, to stop the madness and take matters in to our own hands. The time has come for eating right!
We hereby proclaim to stop filling our bodies with artificial toxins and take a stand against the attack on our health!

Join us in our quest, and if you fail, well, one dove chocolate never killed anyone.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Taking control

I have realized that what I really love about this sugar fast is how aware I have become and how empowered I feel. I have never been interested in strict diets because I hate to feel restricted and deprived. But by only giving up this one thing, I find it easier to give up other junk. I have been a healthy eater for a while, but I have always felt that I barely fall short of where I would really like to be. This past week, I'm exactly where I want to be. Because I so readily pass up the cookie isle at the grocery store, I can more easily pass up the chips (the ones that "only have 6 grams of fat instead of 12"--chips are chips). I was offered cookies by a fellow scrapbooker and 2 rounds of girlscouts today and when I told all of them that I was on a sugar fast, I didn't feel left-out but rather bold and strong. It feels good to say no with confidence to something that is bad for me. Some people have said, "oh you poor thing" or "that really sucks," and it only encourages me more, because I realize that to me it doesn't suck and I don't feel like I'm making a huge sacrifice (plus I bought agave sweetened chocolate ice cream today, so I'm totally saved). It feels like I'm finally doing what my body has always wanted me to do. Give it up for good health!!

1 comment:

  1. Well said! Your determination and courage is inspiring!
